Eligible in-school youth may not younger than 14 or older than 21 at the time of enrollment and must be:
Eligible out-of-school youth may not be younger than 16 nor older than 24 at the time of enrollment. They are not attending any school and must be one or more of the following:
A school dropout;
The intent of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act's youth program is to serve the out-of-school youth who are disconnected from school and employment and requires states to spend at least 75 percent of WIOA youth funds on services to out-of-school youth.
WIOA allows for five percent of each in-school youth to be enrolled using the barrier of an individual who requires additional assistance.
Montana Department of Labor & Industry's Workforce Services Division has statewide oversight responsibilities of the WIOA Youth Program. These responsibilities include fiscal controls, grant management, participant data collection and tracking, reporting to the U.S. Department of Labor, service provider training, technical assistance, and policy interpretation and development.