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About WIOA

The Montana Department of Labor & Industry can help individuals who may need assistance to obtain/retain employment that allows for self-sufficiency or needs training in order to obtain/retain employment leading to economic self sufficiency.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) has three programs that provides these services
- Adult Program
- Youth Program
- Dislocated Worker Program
In general, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Adult program provides resources to enable workers to obtain or retain good jobs by providing them with workforce services such as job assistance, career guidance, and training opportunities. The Adult program is designed to:
- Help employers meet their workforce needs by connecting them to skilled workers;
- Provide eligible adults with basic and individualized career services and the training services necessary to obtain good jobs; and
- Prioritize provision of these services to recipients of public assistance; other low-income individuals; and individuals who are basic skills deficient.
The Youth Program provides services to in-school youth ages 14-21, and out-of-school youth ages 16-24. The focus of the youth program is to help youth focus on career pathways, longer-term academic, and occupational learning opportunities, and provide long-term comprehensive service strategies. The program is designed to prepare Montana's youth to either enter post-secondary education, training or employment upon completion of their secondary education.
Additional services and opportunities provided by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry, that operate in conjunction with, as well as independent of, the WIOA Programs previously described are listed below.
Services available at Job Service Montana Offices. Job Service Montana Office Locations
Rapid Response is designed to assist workers who are facing loss of employment, to obtain re-employment as soon as possible.
Rapid Response activities include
- Establishing onsite contact with employers and employee representatives upon notification of a current or projected closure or mass layoff, or in the case of a disaster
- Provision of information and access to available employment and training activities
- Assistance in establishing a labor-management committee
- Providing assistance to the local community in developing a coordinated response and in obtaining access to state economic development assistance.
Rapid Response assistance available at Job Service Montana Offices.
If you are a WIOA applicant, participant or service provider or a workforce center partner you may file a grievance or complaint at:
- Your local Job Service Montana office; or with
- Joe Rangitsch, Program Monitoring Supervisor/EEO Officer at 406-444-4100; or
- U.S. Department of Labor by fax at 202-693-6505